Trial Info

A free trial includes the following:

  • Full access to the tracker and all of the tools
  • Unlimited use of the tracker for 4-5 weeks
  • Add as many users and students as you want to
  • Access to support for any questions that come up

Free Trial

We feel the best way to get a feel for how the tracker can help your department is to use it in your everyday setting with students checking in and coaches viewing reports. That is why we have always offered a free trial so you can get a feel for it yourself.

Once your trial is set up, we'll walk you through adding users and students, along with the basics of using the system. From there, things just work and you'll be seeing reports on your student's study hall activity in no time!

Request your free trial now

Want to try the study hall tracker for yourself? You can! Send us your information and we will get you up and running in no time.